Defending Creativity: The Copyright Infringement Battle Against ZINCE WATCH PLUS


The intellectual property fraternity has recently witnessed a significant milestone. In the recent landmark legal victory, the plaintiff, Tata Sons won a copyright infringement case against ZINC WATER PLUS. The case revolved around allegations that ZINC WATER PLUS, associated with the defendant Tushar Fulare, had unlawfully used copyrighted material owned by Tata Sons, raising critical questions about the boundaries of creative ownership in the business world.

About The Case

The dispute between Tata Sons and ZINC WATER PLUS began when Tata Sons accused the defendant of using copyrighted material without proper authorization. Tata Sons claimed that ZINC WATER PLUS had copied and reproduced content integral to Tata Sons’ marketing strategies, thereby infringing upon their intellectual property rights. The case drew attention not only due to the high-profile entities involved but also for the broader implications it carried for copyright protection in the corporate landscape.

Tata Sons contended that ZINC WATER PLUS had engaged in a blatant violation of copyright laws by reproducing promotional materials, advertisements, and other creative content owned by it. The alleged infringement extended to various platforms, including print, digital media, and social media channels. Tata Sons argued that this unauthorized use not only compromised their exclusive rights to the copyrighted material but also had the potential to mislead consumers into believing a false association between the two companies.

The legal battle unfolded in the courtroom before Justice Sanjeev Narula, with both parties presenting their arguments, evidence, and legal interpretations. Tata Sons’ legal team highlighted the specifics of the copyrighted material in question and meticulously demonstrated how ZINC WATER PLUS had incorporated identical or substantially similar content in its promotional campaigns. On the other hand, ZINC WATER PLUS defended itself, claiming that the similarities were coincidental and that they had not deliberately infringed upon Tata Sons’ copyrights.

After careful consideration of the evidence and legal arguments, the court ruled in favor of Tata Sons, declaring that ZINC WATER PLUS had indeed violated Tata Son’s intellectual property rights by committing copyright infringement. The judgment underscored the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and sending a clear message that unauthorized use of copyrighted material would not be tolerated, regardless of the corporate stature of the parties involved.

Implications and Precedent

This victory for Tata Sons sets a precedent in the realm of copyright infringement cases involving corporate entities. It reinforces the idea that even industry giants are not exempt from the legal consequences of infringing upon another company’s intellectual property. The ruling is expected to have a ripple effect, prompting businesses to be more vigilant about respecting copyrights and ensuring that their marketing and promotional strategies are built on original content.


The case between Tata Sons and ZINC WATER PLUS serves as a reminder of the crucial role intellectual property plays in fostering innovation and creativity within the business landscape. Companies invest substantial resources in developing unique branding, marketing collateral, and promotional materials to distinguish themselves in the market. This victory reinforces the need for businesses to safeguard their creative assets and take proactive measures to prevent unauthorized use by competitors.

For corporate entities, this legal battle highlights the importance of conducting thorough intellectual property due diligence and obtaining proper permissions before using or replicating creative content. It underscores the significance of respecting the intellectual property rights of others and the potential legal ramifications of failing to do so. Companies should implement robust systems to monitor and enforce their intellectual property rights, ensuring that any infringement is swiftly addressed through legal channels.

Tata Sons’ triumph in the copyright infringement case against ZINC WATER PLUS not only vindicates their claim but also establishes a precedent that reinforces the value of intellectual property rights in the corporate world. The verdict sends a clear message that copyright infringement will be met with legal consequences, irrespective of the companies involved. As businesses continue to navigate the competitive landscape, this case serves as a compelling reminder of the importance of respecting and protecting the creative works that define and differentiate them in the market.

About Shreya Kapoor 4 Articles
Shreya Kapoor is an Indian attorney and post-graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, and is specializing in Intellectual Property and Technology Law.

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